Sunday, July 29, 2012

Janroe sharing his exotic chicken breed

Hello Gals and Girls Mr. Janroe Pimentel Shares his collection of exotic chicken breed see pictures below i will add some breed information

Silver Sebright Pair Bantam

Female Blue Cochin Bantam

Male Java Black Cochin Bantam

Golden Duckwing Chabo Cock

Female Silver Chabo Bantam

His automatic incubator 150 egg capacity

Male Silver Chabo Bantam

White Phoenix Pair Bantam

American Booted

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Flying Lizard / Flying Dragons my new Pet

Hello Boys and Girls i just want to show you my new pet Flying Lizrad/ Flying Dragon i bought it from a stranger on the street i will post more details how Flying Lizard extend his wings and glide ehehehe
See Photos below tonight i will post some video how it glides.