MPM House Rules

With the approval of Mr. Paul Alcordo, MPM Founder, effective today August 16, 2011, the MPM Admins shall be implementing the following rules and we shall be expecting all members to follow.


a. Pornography and R-18 topics and comments on the wall and chat are strictly prohibited.  
  • a.1 Videos
  • a.2 Pictures
  • a.3 URL/Links
  • a.4 Green Jokes

b. Spammers, Trolls, Flamers, and Haters will be dealt with.
  • b.1 Hateful Comments/Posts
  • b.2 Flooding of Post/s
  • b.3 Dissing Other Members
            b.3.1 Vulgar Words
  • b.4 Abusive bump/up of Topics
            b.4.1 Bumping of threads only 1 (once) a day or after 24 hours is allowed.
  • b.5 Multiple posts with same topic/subject

c. Animal abuse is a violation of our law.  Please refer to REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8485, also know as THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT OF 1998

d. Multiple User Accounts
  • d.1 Fake or Dummy Accounts
  • d.2 Admins shall scrutinize the profile or photo/s of an applicant who wishes to join MPM
  • d.3 Violators are not allowed to enter MPM

e. Scammers, Bogus Buyers & Sellers will be banned.

Universal Rules on Violations

Violators of the above rules shall deal with the following:
a. 1st Violation - Warning from Admins
b. 2nd Violation - Removal from MPM


These rules will be continously improved by the Admins.  Only Admins are authorized to edit this document.  We can see who is the last person who edited it.  Violators will also suffer the "Universal Rules on Violations" above.

All members are encouraged to help by reporting issues, problems, and other concerns to the Admins via SMS, private message, or chat if somebody has violated these rules. Admins will deal with the violators personally.

If a member has an issue or problem with another member, talk things first among yourselves.  You can also invite and add one of the admins to be on the neutral side.

We will now change our old ways and bad habits.  Let's forget the past and move forward.  MPM members are expected to serve as good role models to other people and pet owners.  

Always remember:
Nobody is exempted from these rules!  
Do not cross the line!  There is a thin line between joke and insult.
NEGATIVE topics on Facebook and other social networking websites are VIRAL, so please avoid it as early as possible.
Think before you speak!
Respect, Humility, Discipline, Courtesy, and Love One Another.


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